英検 準一級【単語・熟語テスト】試験3回分掲載


英検 準一級の大問1と同形式・同難易度の模擬テストを3回分(25問×3回=75問)用意しました。合格ラインは25問中20問正解、目標回答時間は15分。

大問1は文中の(   )内に、文脈に合う適切な語句を補うもので、単語21問+句動詞4問の合計25問が出題されます。




英検 準一級 単語テスト 第1回

To complete each item, choose the best word or phrase from among the four choices.

(1) We’ll be out until the management agrees to (    ) .
   1 increase   2 tread   3 negotiate   4 obscure

(2) My friends paid me a (    ) about my work.
   1 leisure   2 compliment   3 vanity   4 appetizer

(3) Her (    ) complaints finally claimed the manager’s attention.
   1 persistent   2 intelligible   3 detailed   4 unfit

(4) Voice recognition technology is (    ) for general use.
   1 aggressive   2 relevant   3 readable   4 inadequate

(5) The inspection was a mere (    ) .
   1 streak   2 task   3 formality   4 consultant

(6) Germany failed to (    ) differences with France over this problem.
   1 rate   2 resolve   3 stagger   4 sympathize

(7) This medicine will (    ) your pain.
   1 suspend   2 sprawl   3 victimize   4 diminish

(8) The information will be kept strictly (    ) .
   1 unbelievable   2 extravagant   3 confidential   4 tasteless

(9) Dictionaries are expensive to (    ) .
   1 compile   2 prescribe   3 intimate   4 summarize

(10) The police tried to establish a (    ) for the crime.
   1 productivity   2 beam   3 verdict   4 motive

(11) The speech seemed to last (    ) .
   1 sprightly   2 indefinitely   3 luckily   4 tactfully

(12) This conclusion overlooks one critical (    ) .
   1 factor   2 inducement   3 facade   4 storage

(13) My main concern is to win a (    ) and study abroad.
   1 aggression   2 scholarship   3 fair   4 competitive

(14) Messages are listed in (    ) order.
   1 diverse   2 uncommon   3 chronological   4 colossal

(15) He was honest to (    ) his mistakes.
   1 compress   2 steep   3 heal   4 confess

(16) The music (    ) everyone in the room.
   1 fascinated   2 publicized   3 apprehended   4 regulated

(17) I cannot tolerate this type of (    ) behavior.
   1 renowned   2 irresponsible   3 behavioral   4 confusing

(18) The hills were (    ) with mineral wealth.
   1 pastoral   2 erratic   3 latent   4 tumultuous

(19) It’s impossible to (    ) a society without electricity.
   1 dissolve   2 propel   3 irritate   4 contemplate

(20)  (    ) exercise burns off calories and strengthens muscles.
   1 moderate   2 inseparable   3 curt   4 auxiliary

(21) I managed to get down another (    ) of the soup.
   1 reduction   2 mouthful   3 awareness   4 correspondent

(22) The garden party dragged on, and (    ) it began to rain.
   1 on the blink   2 at all costs   3 in the meantime   4 in no way

(23) Our professor promised to (    ) on the final exam for another week.
   1 weigh in   2 catch on   3 stick with   4 hold off

(24) He is young enough to (    ) from this disappointment.
   1 bounce back   2 pitch in   3 live up to   4 bring down

(25) I had saved a little to (    ) in case anything happened.
   1 put in for   2 win over   3 fall back on   4 skirt around



(1) 3 negotiate = 交渉する
We’ll be out until the management agrees to (negotiate).

(2) 2 compliment = 賛辞
My friends paid me a (compliment) about my work.

(3) 1 persistent = 執拗な
Her (persistent) complaints finally claimed the manager’s attention.

(4) 4 inadequate = 不十分な
Voice recognition technology is (inadequate) for general use.

(5) 3 formality = 形式的なこと
The inspection was a mere (formality).

(6) 2 resolve = 解決する
Germany failed to (resolve) differences with France over this problem.

(7) 4 diminish = 減少する
This medicine will (diminish) your pain.

(8) 3 confidential = 機密の
The information will be kept strictly (confidential).

(9) 1 compile = (動)収集してまとめる
Dictionaries are expensive to (compile).

(10) 4 motive = 動機
The police tried to establish a (motive) for the crime.

(11) 2 indefinitely = 際限なく
The speech seemed to last (indefinitely).

(12) 1 factor = 要因
This conclusion overlooks one critical (factor).

(13) 2 scholarship = 奨学金
My main concern is to win a (scholarship) and study abroad.

(14) 3 chronological = 年代順の
Messages are listed in (chronological) order.

(15) 4 confess = 白状する
He was honest to (confess) his mistakes.

(16) 1 fascinate = ~を魅惑する
The music (fascinated) everyone in the room.

(17) 2 irresponsible = 無責任な
I cannot tolerate this type of (irresponsible) behavior.

(18) 3 latent = 潜在する
The hills were (latent) with mineral wealth.

(19) 4 contemplate = 熟考する
It’s impossible to (contemplate) a society without electricity.

(20) 1 moderate = 中くらいの
(Moderate) exercise burns off calories and strengthens muscles.

(21) 2 mouthful = ひと口分
I managed to get down another (mouthful) of the soup.

(22) 3 in the meantime = その間に
The garden party dragged on, and (in the meantime) it began to rain.

(23) 4 hold off = 延期する
Our professor promised to (hold off) on the final exam for another week.

(24) 1 bounce back = 立ち直る
He is young enough to (bounce back) from this disappointment.

(25) 3 fall back on = ~を当てにする
I had saved a little to (fall back on) in case anything happened.

英検 準一級 単語テスト 第2回

To complete each item, choose the best word or phrase from among the four choices.

(1) The balloon (    ) as Bob was blowing it up.
   1 sprinkle   2 contradict   3 burst   4 stray

(2) IT has become an (    ) part of our lives.
   1 integral   2 previous   3 civic   4 derivative

(3) The country is particularly (    ) to attract investment from Japan.
   1 incomplete   2 resolute   3 horizontal   4 keen

(4) Appropriate storage can (    ) the freshness of fruit several days.
   1 reveal   2 extend   3 magnify   4 defy

(5) He was adopted as David’s (    ) .
   1 successor   2 cause   3 disgrace   4 agonize

(6) Old people are necessarily more (    ) than young people.
   1 invaluable   2 biting   3 conservative   4 sentimental

(7) He had the (    ) voice in the discussion.
   1 executive   2 nomadic   3 attentive   4 predominant

(8) You may disapprove of me but I have my self (    ) .
   1 version   2 esteem   3 ordeal   4 rage

(9) You’re deliberately trying to (    ) me, aren’t you?
   1 repay   2 unsettle   3 disperse   4 provoke

(10)  (    ) 3 from 10, you get 7.
   1 subtract   2 terrify   3 haunt   4 dredge

(11) The bank lent me the money on very (    ) terms.
   1 unbroken   2 favorable   3 circular   4 naughty

(12) Her natural (    ) prevented her from being spoilt by fame.
   1 enactment   2 combination   3 similarity   4 modesty

(13) He was gripped by an irresistible (    ) to travel.
   1 clue   2 campaigner   3 capacity   4 impulse

(14) I asked her to (    ) my good wishes to Mrs. Little.
   1 convey   2 censure   3 grope   4 dilate

(15) Streetcars were (    ) by subways.
   1 grind   2 waive   3 supplant   4 embezzle

(16) The accused bore a strong (    ) against the judge.
   1 fodder   2 resentment   3 load   4 gradient

(17) It seemed very (    ) that he did not report it to the police.
   1 dense   2 valueless   3 peculiar   4 decimal

(18) His performance did not (    ) with his promises.
   1 stir   2 disclose   3 navigate   4 correspond

(19) The police (    ) the demonstrators.
   1 displease   2 disperse   3 specialize   4 sift

(20) The Himalayas form the natural (    ) of India on the north.
   1 plot   2 realization   3 boundary   4 daylight

(21) It was (    ) that he suddenly took a break from the rock star life.
   1 opaque   2 amazing   3 striped   4 offensive

(22) The package will have a tracking number if you (    ) international express delivery service.
   1 opt for   2 figure out   3 collide with   4 foot the bill

(23) He never (    ) anything very long.
   1 go under   2 put forth   3 stick to   4 make for

(24) I will (    ) this desk for the time being.
   1 make do with   2 dig up   3 spring from   4 hand out

(25) They have won five championships (    ) .
   1 at large   2 in vain   3 on the spot   4 in a row


(1) 3 burst = 破裂する
The balloon (burst) as Bob was blowing it up.

(2) 1 integral = 不可欠な
IT has become an (integral) part of our lives.

(3) 4 keen = 熱望して
The country is particularly (keen) to attract investment from Japan.

(4) 2 extend = 延長する
Appropriate storage can (extend) the freshness of fruit several days.

(5) 1 successor = 後継者
He was adopted as David’s (successor).

(6) 3 conservative = 保守的な
Old people are necessarily more (conservative) than young people.

(7) 4 predominant = 有力な
He had the (predominant) voice in the discussion.

(8) 2 esteem = 尊敬
You may disapprove of me but I have my self (esteem).

(9) 4 provoke = 怒らせる
You’re deliberately trying to (provoke) me, aren’t you?

(10) 1 subtract = 引く
(Subtract) 3 from 10, you get 7.

(11) 2 favorable = 好意的な
The bank lent me the money on very (favorable) terms.

(12) 4 modesty = 謙虚さ
Her natural (modesty) prevented her from being spoilt by fame.

(13) 4 impulse = 衝動
He was gripped by an irresistible (impulse) to travel.

(14) 1 convey = 伝える
I asked her to (convey) my good wishes to Mrs. Little.

(15) 3 supplant = 取って代わる
Streetcars were (supplanted) by subways.

(16) 2 resentment = 憤り
The accused bore a strong (resentment) against the judge.

(17) 3 peculiar = 変な
It seemed very (peculiar) that he did not report it to the police.

(18) 4 correspond = 一致する
His performance did not (correspond) with his promises.

(19) 2 disperse = 追い散らす
The police (dispersed) the demonstrators.

(20) 3 boundary = 境界
The Himalayas form the natural (boundary) of India on the north.

(21) 2 amazing = 驚くべき
It was (amazing) that he suddenly took a break from the rock star life.

(22) 1 opt for = ~のほうを選ぶ
The package will have a tracking number if you (opt for) international express delivery service.

(23) 3 stick to ~ = 〜をやり続ける
He never (sticks to) anything very long.

(24) 1 make do with = (あり合わせのもの)で済ます
I will (make do with) this desk for the time being.

(25) 4 in a row = 連続で
They have won five championships (in a row).

英検 準一級 単語テスト 第3回

To complete each item, choose the best word or phrase from among the four choices.

(1) We will (    ) legal action against you if the situation does not improve.
   1 inherit   2 devise   3 regain   4 initiate

(2) The president ordered the factory to operate at full (    ) .
   1 limitation   2 capacity   3 clearness   4 necessity

(3) He is graduating this year and his future is (    ) .
   1 uncertain   2 parallel   3 startling   4 inexperienced

(4) I have only a (    ) memory of my grandparents.
   1 solemn   2 delightful   3 vague   4 artistic

(5) He sat on a chair with his legs (    ) .
   1 prescribing   2 suspending   3 recreating   4 dangling

(6) You can access an (    ) amount of information on the Internet.
   1 impulsive   2 enthusiastic   3 enormous   4 unintentional

(7) The width of the road is (    ) for safe driving.
   1 insufficient   2 convertible   3 singular   4 fruitless

(8) Some athletes go on (    ) diets.
   1 worldwide   2 improper   3 cognitive   4 dietary

(9) Please give me an accurate and (    ) report.
   1 pointless   2 illiterate   3 cellular   4 concise

(10) The goalkeeper must wear different colors to (    ) him from the other players.
   1 advocate   2 distinguish   3 enlarge   4 extinguish

(11) He switched his major from economics to (    ) .
   1 sociology   2 counterpart   3 pleasure   4 stack

(12) She spent a (    ) night praying for her daughter’s safe return.
   1 undesirable   2 bright   3 restless   4 muscular

(13) There being no friction, the linear motor train can reach (    ) speeds.
   1 legislative   2 innate   3 incredible   4 loving

(14) The (    ) of the movie wasn’t anywhere near as good as the first one.
   1 inquiry   2 conscience   3 famine   4 sequel

(15) The teacher (    ) John the longest chapter.
   1 omitted   2 alloted   3 designated   4 chastened

(16) We were not allowed to (    ) what was in the envelope.
   1 disclose   2 animate   3 restart   4 undergo

(17) That report is based upon (    ) .
   1 draft   2 distrust   3 supposition   4 recession

(18) The thunder was almost (    ) with the lightning.
   1 motionless   2 dense   3 requisite   4 simultaneous

(19) A (    ) of bees are busily working in the field.
   1 acquaintance   2 swarm   3 modesty   4 plague

(20) They make (    ) trips to Europe.
   1 frequent   2 cerebral   3 leafy   4 motley

(21) He continues to (    ) that he is innocent.
   1 insinuate   2 assert   3 snip   4 confuse

(22) We can (    ) this job in another week.
   1 pass over   2 dispose of   3 wrap up   4 seize on

(23) Don’t turn the hands of a clock (    ) .
   1 the other way around   2 in shape   3 on the spot   4 in no way

(24) I will call you when things (    ) for me.
   1 fire up   2 tear down   3 rise above   4 settle down

(25) The airline’s service did not (    ) our expectations.
   1 hold over   2 measure up to   3 stand by   4 phase out


(1) 4 initiate = 新たに始める
We will (initiate) legal action against you if the situation does not improve.

(2) 2 capacity = 能力
The president ordered the factory to operate at full (capacity).

(3) 1 uncertain = はっきり分からない
He is graduating this year and his future is (uncertain).

(4) 3 vague = あいまいな
I have only a (vague) memory of my grandparents.

(5) 4 dangle = ぶら下がる
He sat on a chair with his legs (dangling).

(6) 3 enormous = 巨大な
You can access an (enormous) amount of information on the Internet.

(7) 1 insufficient = 不十分な
The width of the road is (insufficient) for safe driving.

(8) 2 improper = 不適切な
Some athletes go on (improper) diets.

(9) 4 concise = 簡潔な
Please give me an accurate and (concise) report.

(10) 2 distinguish = 区別する
The goalkeeper must wear different colors to (distinguish) him from the other players.

(11) 1 sociology = 社会学
He switched his major from economics to (sociology).

(12) 3 restless = 落ち着かない
She spent a (restless) night praying for her daughter’s safe return.

(13) 3 incredible = 信じられない
There being no friction, the linear motor train can reach (incredible) speeds.

(14) 4 sequel = 続編
The (sequel) of the movie wasn’t anywhere near as good as the first one.

(15) 2 allot = 割り当てる
The teacher (allotted) John the longest chapter.

(16) 1 disclose = 明らかにする
We were not allowed to (disclose) what was in the envelope.

(17) 3 supposition = 想像
That report is based upon (supposition).

(18) 4 simultaneous = 同時に起こる
The thunder was almost (simultaneous) with the lightning.

(19) 2 swarm = 大群
A (swarm) of bees are busily working in the field.

(20) 1 frequent = しばしば起こる
They make (frequent) trips to Europe.

(21) 2 assert = 主張する
He continues to (assert) that he is innocent.

(22) 3 wrap up = 滞りなく終える
We can (wrap up) this job in another week.

(23) 1 the other way around = 逆に
Don’t turn the hands of a clock (the other way around).

(24) 4 settle down = くつろぐ
I will call you when things (settle down) for me.

(25) 2 measure up to = (期待・標準など)にかなう
The airline’s service did not (measure up to) our expectations.

