


大問1は文中の(   )内に、文脈に合う適切な語句を補うもので、単語21問+句動詞4問の合計25問が出題されます。合格ラインは25問中20問正解、目標回答時間は15分。英検1級の得点源として大きなウエイトを占めます。




英検1級 単語テスト 第1回

To complete each item, choose the best word or phrase from among the four choices.

(1) Karen works efficiently. It’s (    ) of her long experience.
   1 arduous   2 treacherous   3 indicative   4 inveterate

(2) He had a great (    ) of making people laugh.
   1 faculty   2 skirmish   3 bigot   4 setback

(3) I’ve (    ) my jacket by sewing leather patches on the elbows.
   1 commiserated   2 reinforced   3 romped   4 prevaricated

(4) There was a (    ) of white lilies on the table.
   1 trough   2 patronage   3 profusion   4 verity

(5) The farmers had made no (    ) against the drought.
   1 propensity   2 picket   3 litigation   4 provision

(6) The boy (    ) the coins in his hand.
   1 clenched   2 deprecated   3 manipulated   4 gloated

(7) The Vikings often (    ) the English coast in the Middle Ages.
   1 parried   2 harried   3 converged   4 denounced

(8) I was not deceived by his (    ) argument.
   1 managerial   2 garish   3 commensurate   4 specious

(9) The police held back the crowds to (    ) the work of the firemen.
   1 facilitate   2 deviate   3 undercut   4 reimburse

(10) Bargain hunters (    ) into the department store.
   1 enunciated   2 stunted   3 sagged   4 swarmed

(11) The lovers (    ) their initials on the oak tree.
   1 engraved   2 satirized   3 finalized   4 disseminated

(12) He was absent from work for three days on the (    ) of illness.
   1 dexterity   2 restraint   3 pretext   4 derelict

(13) Sightseers were standing in a (    ) around the famous statue.
   1 predicament   2 cluster   3 lattice   4 plethora

(14) He took out an American (    ) on his invention.
   1 composure   2 consignment   3 insurrection   4 patent

(15) No (    ) of the prosperous town remains now.
   1 volition   2 diploma   3 vestige   4 fluke

(16) His first work well (    ) to his literary genius.
   1 eschewed   2 attested   3 facilitated   4 garbled

(17) It requires a great effort to (    ) a conversation in a foreign language.
   1 reiterate   2 sustain   3 contuse   4 encompass

(18) The President (    ) our reception with his presence.
   1 assimilated   2 dredged   3 recounted   4 dignified

(19) I am (    ) to you for your many kindnesses.
   1 rampant   2 uncouth   3 indebted   4 exploratory

(20) He was not (    ) enough to catch the butterfly.
   1 nimble   2 intrepid   3 salubrious   4 impending

(21) The beautiful melody (    ) in my mind for a long time after.
   1 reciprocated   2 rectified   3 reminisced   4 persisted

(22) She can (    ) 3 cakes at one go.
   1 polish off   2 figure on   3 cast off   4 pore over

(23) Clubs are urged to nominate representatives to (    ) the Student Committee.
   1 cast off   2 hang on to   3 pull on   4 sit on

(24) (    ) the names of the people who have paid their dues.
   1 Plow through   2 Tear through   3 Cross off   4 Drug out

(25) I’m (    ) Dad to buy me a new car.
   1 riding on   2 working on   3 cracking up   4 bearing out



(1) 3 indicative = ~を示す
Karen works efficiently. It’s (indicative) of her long experience.

(2) 1 faculty = 才能
He had a great (faculty) of making people laugh.

(3) 2 reinforce = ~を補強する
I’ve (reinforced) my jacket by sewing leather patches on the elbows.

(4) 3 profusion = 豊富
There was a (profusion) of white lilies on the table.

(5) 4 provision = 配給、準備
The farmers had made no (provision) against the drought.

(6) 1 clench = ~を握りしめる
The boy (clenched) the coins in his hand.

(7) 2 harry = 〜を襲撃する、荒す
The Vikings often (harried) the English coast in the Middle Ages.

(8) 4 specious = 見掛け倒しの、最もらしい
I was not deceived by his (specious) argument.

(9) 1 facilitate = ~を容易にする
The police held back the crowds to (facilitate) the work of the firemen.

(10) 4 swarm = 殺到する
Bargain hunters (swarmed) into the department store.

(11) 1 engrave = 刻む
The lovers (engraved) their initials on the oak tree.

(12) 3 pretext = 口実
He was absent from work for three days on the (pretext) of illness.

(13) 2 cluster = 群れ
Sightseers were standing in a (cluster) around the famous statue.

(14) 4 patent = 特許
He took out an American (patent) on his invention.

(15) 3 vestige = 名残、面影
No (vestige) of the prosperous town remains now.

(16) 2 attest = 証明する
His first work well (attested) to his literary genius.

(17) 2 sustain = 維持する
It requires a great effort to (sustain) a conversation in a foreign language.

(18) 4 dignify = ~に威厳を与える
The President (dignified) our reception with his presence.

(19) 3 indebted = 負うところがある
I am (indebted) to you for your many kindnesses.

(20) 1 nimble = 機敏な
He was not (nimble) enough to catch the butterfly.

(21) 4 persist = 持続する
The beautiful melody (persisted) in my mind for a long time after.

(22) 1 polish off = ~を素早く平らげる
She can (polish off) 3 cakes at one go.

(23) 4 sit on = 役職に就く
Clubs are urged to nominate representatives to (sit on) the Student Committee.

(24) 3 cross off = (リストから)外す、消す
(Cross off) the names of the people who have paid their dues.

(25) 2 work on ~ = ~に働きかける
I’m (working on) Dad to buy me a new car.

英検1級 単語テスト 第2回

To complete each item, choose the best word or phrase from among the four choices.

(1) The boy’s face was (    ) with mud and sweat.
   1 imparted   2 streaked   3 abrogated   4 molted

(2) She willingly (    ) to my request.
   1 acceded   2 extruded   3 endeared   4 affronted

(3) Don’t make remarks that are (    ) to his reputation.
   1 disgruntled   2 sleazy   3 derogatory   4 feasible

(4) “What’s the (    ) of this wall?” “It’s 10 meters in (    ).”
   1 elocution   2 benediction   3 recluse   4 breadth

(5) A heavy rainfall (    ) me from going out.
   1 curtailed   2 deteriorated   3 warbled   4 hindered

(6) Our boy becomes (    ) to everything when he plays the guitar.
   1 oblivious   2 autocratic   3 hefty   4 masterful

(7) He has increased his (    ) in English greatly.
   1 sediment   2 recluse   3 proficiency   4 bibliography

(8) Japan and the U.S.came to a (    ) agreement.
   1 distraught   2 tentative   3 unequivocal   4 insightful

(9) The (    ) of this group was made up of three men.
   1 asthma   2 deportation   3 nucleus   4 custodian

(10) Tom is, beyond (    ), the brightest in our class.
   1 spree   2 cognizance   3 efficacy   4 dispute

(11) He (    ) a means of speaking to Nancy privately.
   1 contrived   2 exhilarated   3 drawled   4 persisted

(12) The bells sent their (    ) across the valley.
   1 impasses   2 peals   3 quorums   4 locutions

(13) The bill may be (    ) by the President.
   1 disbanded   2 vetoed   3 relegated   4 delved

(14) Having been (    ) of murder, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
   1 teetered   2 hibernated   3 convicted   4 reverberated

(15) These two books are (    ) to each other.
   1 complementary   2 subdued   3 herbivorous   4 nutritious

(16) There is no (    ) for this kind of case.
   1 fetter   2 monoxide   3 precedent   4 connotation

(17) The reviewer is sharply (    ) of the novel.
   1 culpable   2 languid   3 lucrative   4 critical

(18) I have known George since his (    ).
   1 gratuity   2 infancy   3 streamline   4 condiment

(19) This is the (    ) book he was reading last month.
   1 iniquitous   2 identical   3 flawless   4 hackneyed

(20) His only (    ) was that his offer might offend her.
   1 misgiving   2 intermission   3 specimen   4 outage

(21) There will be chaos unless we all (    ) to the rules.
   1 scrawl   2 smother   3 pulverize   4 adhere

(22) The wind was so strong that he had to (    ) his hat.
   1 pluck up   2 cast back   3 foul up   4 hold on to

(23) I (    ) staying there for a week.
   1 reckon on   2 throw in   3 figure on   4 live down

(24) He won’t (    ) once he has said something.
   1 run up against   2 tip off   3 keel over   4 back off

(25) He never forgives his enemies and will go to extremes to (    ) them.
   1 jockey for   2 get back at   3 hold out for   4 gloss over


(1) 2 streak = ~に縞をつける
The boy’s face was (streaked) with mud and sweat.

(2) 1 accede = 同意する
She willingly (acceded) to my request.

(3) 3 derogatory = 軽蔑的な、損なうような
Don’t make remarks that are (derogatory) to his reputation.

(4) 4 breadth = 幅
“What’s the (breadth) of this wall?” “It’s 10 meters in (breadth).”
「この塀の幅はどれくらいありますか」 「10メートルです」

(5) 4 hinder = ~を妨げる
A heavy rainfall (hindered) me from going out.

(6) 1 oblivious = ~に気づいていない
Our boy becomes (oblivious) to everything when he plays the guitar.

(7) 3 proficiency = 熟達
He has increased his (proficiency) in English greatly.

(8) 2 tentative = 仮の
Japan and the U.S.came to a (tentative) agreement.

(9) 3 nucleus = 核、中心
The (nucleus) of this group was made up of three men.

(10) 4 dispute = 論争
Tom is, beyond (dispute), the brightest in our class.

(11) 1 contrive = 〜を考え出す
He (contrived) a means of speaking to Nancy privately.

(12) 2 peal = 鐘の響き
The bells sent their (peals) across the valley.

(13) 2 veto = ~に拒否権を行使する
The bill may be (vetoed) by the President.

(14) 3 convict = 〜に有罪判決を下す
Having been (convicted) of murder, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

(15) 1 complementary = 補完的な
These two books are (complementary) to each other.

(16) 3 precedent = 前例
There is no (precedent) for this kind of case.

(17) 4 critical = ~に批判的な
The reviewer is sharply (critical) of the novel.

(18) 2 infancy = 幼年時代
I have known George since his (infancy).

(19) 2 identical = 一卵性の、同一の
This is the (identical) book he was reading last month.

(20) 1 misgiving = 不安
His only (misgiving) was that his offer might offend her.

(21) 4 adhere = 忠実である
There will be chaos unless we all (adhere) to the rules.

(22) 4 hold on to = しがみつく、おさえる
The wind was so strong that he had to (hold on to) his hat.

(23) 3 figure on = ~する予定
I (figure on) staying there for a week.

(24) 4 back off = 撤退する、引き下がる
He won’t (back off) once he has said something.

(25) 2 get back at = 仕返しをする
He never forgives his enemies and will go to extremes to (get back at) them.

英検1級 単語テスト 第3回

To complete each item, choose the best word or phrase from among the four choices.

(1) Let’s (    ) her with our decision immediately.
   1 superimpose   2 prattle   3 lurk   4 acquaint

(2) I had a slight (    ) about this kind of action.
   1 repercussion   2 spate   3 scruple   4 cipher

(3) She had three extra guests suddenly (    ) upon her.
   1 emancipate   2 thrust   3 gainsay   4 agonize

(4) This painter’s (    ) is portraits.
   1 resurrection   2 specialty   3 contraband   4 oversight

(5) They’re trying to (    ) the laborers to go on strike.
   1 incite   2 improvise   3 diagnose   4 alleviate

(6) His disappearance is (    ) in mystery.
   1 divergented   2 disavowed   3 exhilarated   4 shrouded

(7) There were a few (    ) of paint on the rug.
   1 inductions   2 mites   3 specks   4 anvils

(8) The rules (    ) how the members should act.
   1 prescribe   2 splurge   3 revel   4 deviate

(9) These qualities are (    ) in his nature.
   1 molecular   2 resonant   3 dainty   4 inherent

(10) The sound (    ) him from his sleep.
   1 winced   2 roused   3 swindled   4 deciphered

(11) We must pay a (    ) when we cross the bridge.
   1 resurgence   2 toll   3 annexation   4 addendum

(12) Her trembling hands were (    ) of her anxiety.
   1 abject   2 prerequisite   3 eloquent   4 ruthless

(13) The artist has been lost in (    ) for years.
   1 confederate   2 tacit   3 prevalence   4 obscurity

(14) Max remains (    ) about the prospects of his company.
   1 sanguine   2 invincible   3 brittle   4 retrograde

(15) He (    ) her into agreeing to his proposal.
   1 defaced   2 beguiled   3 optimized   4 unraveled

(16) This list is (    ) of the past members of the group.
   1 susceptible   2 inclusive   3 fraudulent   4 boisterous

(17) I’m trying to (    ) my ideas with theirs.
   1 integrate   2 deplete   3 conjugate   4 annex

(18) Our teacher bears a (    ) resemblance to that man.
   1 indicative   2 propitious   3 humdrum   4 superficial

(19) The Minister had to face a (    ) of questions from the press.
   1 barrage   2 viability   3 negligence   4 inauguration

(20) The child (    ) in the drawer for a pencil.
   1 downplayed   2 forfeited   3 fumbled   4 revoked

(21) I do (    ) you, hear me through.
   1 drizzle   2 subsist   3 rave   4 beseech

(22) I’m always (    ) you for advice.
   1 rustling up   2 following through   3 flipping out   4 leaning on

(23) We (    ) an exciting enterprise.
   1 embarked on   2 jotted down   3 scuffled with   4 drummed up

(24) Tommy plowed into me as he came running around the corner.
   1 ran down   2 plowed into   3 holed up   4 flared up

(25) This wild flower (    ) a sweet scent.
   1 pulls out   2 harps on   3 gains on   4 gives off


(1) 4 acquaint = 知らせる
Let’s (acquaint) her with our decision immediately.

(2) 3 scruple = 罪の意識、良心の呵責
I had a slight (scruple) about this kind of action.

(3) 2 thrust = ~を押し付ける
She had three extra guests suddenly (thrust) upon her.

(4) 2 specialty = 専門
This painter’s (specialty) is portraits.

(5) 1 incite = ~を扇動する
They’re trying to (incite) the laborers to go on strike.

(6) 4 shroud = 覆い隠す
His disappearance is (shrouded) in mystery.

(7) 3 speck = 斑点
There were a few (specks) of paint on the rug.

(8) 1 prescribe = 〜を規定する
The rules (prescribe) how the members should act.

(9) 4 inherent = 生来の、固有の
These qualities are (inherent) in his nature.

(10) 2 rouse = 目を覚まさせる
The sound (roused) him from his sleep.

(11) 2 toll = 通行料
We must pay a (toll) when we cross the bridge.

(12) 3 eloquent = 雄弁な
Her trembling hands were (eloquent) of her anxiety.

(13) 4 obscurity = 世に知られていないこと
The artist has been lost in (obscurity) for years.

(14) 1 sanguine = 楽天的な
Max remains (sanguine) about the prospects of his company.

(15) 2 beguile = 〜を騙す
He (beguiled) her into agreeing to his proposal.

(16) 2 inclusive = 包括的な、含んで
This list is (inclusive) of the past members of the group.

(17) 1 integrate = ~を統合する
I’m trying to (integrate) my ideas with theirs.

(18) 4 superficial = 表面的な
Our teacher bears a (superficial) resemblance to that man.

(19) 1 barrage = 集中砲火、弾幕
The Minister had to face a (barrage) of questions from the press.

(20) 3 fumble = 手探りする
The child (fumbled) in the drawer for a pencil.

(21) 4 beseech = 懇願する
I do (beseech) you, hear me through.

(22) 4 lean on = 当てにする、頼る
I’m always (leaning on) you for advice.

(23) 1 embark on = 乗り出す
We (embarked on) an exciting enterprise.

(24) 2 plow into = 激突する
Tommy plowed into me as he came running around the corner.

(25) 4 give off = (においなどを)出す、放つ
This wild flower (gives off) a sweet scent.


まず押さえておきたいのは定番の旺文社『英検1級 でる順パス単』ですが、こちらは2021年6月に4訂版から5訂版に改定になった際に、収録単語の難易度が下げられました。



もっとカバー率の高い単語帳としては、コーパスを基に作られた、アルクの『究極の英単語 SVL Vol.4 超上級の3000語』がおすすめです。上記の単語21語のうち、さらに4問が載っています。


With his squalid clothes and his stubble, the man epitomized the vagabond.






ただ、『究極の英単語 SVL Vol.4 超上級の3000語』は、『究極の英単語 SVL Vol.3』までの9000語を覚えているという前提で作られているので、英検準1級レベルからだと少し間が空いてしまうかもしれません。

パス単4訂版・5訂版のどちらかと『究極の英単語 SVL Vol.4』を併用するのが最強ではないかと思います。パス単は5訂版のほうが基本語から載っていますし、4訂版のほうが難語が多く載っています。



